Our German Bohemian Legacy
Robert J. Paulson
GBHS Founder
The village Tuschkau lay 4 kilometers to the northwest of Staab. The village was the site of a Bronze Age settlement. This historic setting was gifted to a knight, Hartmann von Tuschkau in 1299, who then gifted it to the Chotischauer Staves. The pastoral church of the Holy Margareta was already standing in the 14th century (1352). In 1846, it was under construction, and a new rectory, tower and Presbytery were put in place with new masonry. The last renovation took place in 1904. The patrons belonged to the cloister in Chotieschau at first, and later joined the Prämonstratenser-Stift. Tuschkau was the birthplace of the last Provost of the Chotieschauer Cloister, Paul Nowak, who was born in house no. 8. The neighborhoods of Mischowitz, Lochutzen, Saluschen, Nowy and Gottowitz belonged to the parish.
The schoolhouse must have been standing in 1800, because almost all of the students received some form of basic education. In 1856, the schoolhouse received a remodel and a second classroom. The school also had a “Turnhalle” with rudimentary facilities. The school grounds also contained housing for the school faculty. The school also taught the children of the village of Mirschowitz 2 kilometers away. In 1933, the school had two graduating classes. The 92 children were taught by the headmaster Josef Steinbach, and teachers Karl Hochberger and Josef Frei. Theresia Jauka taught the handworking class. IN 1936, Karl Macht was the headmaster, and remained in that position until 1945.
The yearly village festival “Marchat’n-Toch” always began on the Sunday after the 13th of July, and was named after the patron saint of the church the Holy Margaretha. In 1893, 26 men from the village formed a volunteer fire department. The first member was Adalbert Franta.
One of the famous residents of Tuschkau was Herbert Franta (1936-1995), a priest and professor at the Pope’s University in Rome. He was a regular guest at church plays in Ansbach, who unfortunately left to the world all too often. The rector in Altötting was interested in geological research, the history of settlement in the area and the history of the land between Inn and Salzach, a subject on which he wrote many books and articles. Karl Minarik (1917-1998) was recognized in 1992 for his efforts to maintain the health of the village with the citizen’s medal of Töging.