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Wasserau is located in the northernmost section of the bohemian forest, three kilometers west of Muttersdorf, six kilometers from the Bavarian frontier and at exactly 600 meters above sea level. It was founded in 1180 by Mutina von Bukowec but by 1379 it is referred to as "desolated." [abandonned] It was most likely destroyed by the frequent military campaigns in the district. In 1400 the place was resettled but in a deed dated 1560 it is again called "desolated." About 1510 the von Wiederspergs of Muttersdorf resettled it once again.


The livelyhood of the inhabitants was generally gained through agriculture. Small land-holders [HaŸsler] who could not make a living from their land alone were also busy as masons, carpenters or unskilled day-workers in Vienna or Saxony and, after the creation of Czechoslovakia,1918 in Eger or Asch. They also sought work as lumberjacks and seasonal workers harvesting grain, beets and hops. Lace-making also brought extra income and was pursued by all of the women and girls and even by some men and boys.


The following crops were raised: Rye, barley and oats. In fields here and there there were also potatoes, herbs, beets, Dorschen [a fish, probably pond-raised carp], and clover. Flax was raised until 1920. Until 1925 certain fields were left fallow every year. After 1925 the use of chemical fertilizers increased production and profits. Until 1930 the harvest was brought in without the help of machinery. Grain was mowed with special sickles designed for that purpose. The first threshing machines were pulled along by draft animals. In 1928 Wasserau received electric power and many changes followed.


There was one cabinetmaker, one tailor, one carpenter, one wagon-maker, one blacksmith, one general store and two inns in Wasserau. Most of the houses were built of brick or stone. There were a few wooden houses, covered with shingles. There were two community halls available which could be used free of charge. When the elderly folk became too fragile to care for themselves the townsfolk would take turns visiting their property and providing for them.

The "Weiler Engelhaus" and hamlet of Platten also belonged to Wasserau. Originally the place had been divided into two parts, each of which belonged to a different Herrschaft [dominion]. During the Reformation the inhabitants endured great suffering since Wasserau was called a Lutheran community because that was the belief of their overlord. In 1848 the two sections of Wasserau were finally united as a single community and joined to the jurisdiction district of Hostau.


The two "Armenha"user" [poor-houses] still remind us of the olden days. >From 1739-1753 and from 1805-1813 there was a customs station in Wasserau There was a winter school which was open between November and March until 1890. In 1918 Wasserau got its own one-room school and in 1920 a schoolhouse was built.


Wasserau holds 232 hectares of land and in 1921 there were 56 houses and 312 residents. The population was virtually unchanged until 1945. There was a volunteer fire department ever since 1895, a "Deutsche Bšhmerwald-gruppe" ever since 1918 and a "Deutsche Kulturverband" since 1920. These community associations guarded old cultural items and traditions associated with festivals like Fasching and Pfingsten [Pentecost]. For example they kept a tradition in which some youths were disquised with straw covering them ... or the butcher, the inkeeper, the ... Kaminkellrer... and the Jew appeared in [very old masks depicting runners, Turks, and clowns.


According to the old traditions "Faschingsmolntag" [the Monday after Fasching] gave married couples first rights to the dance floor. Back then there were still "Hutscha" and "Reckenstuben" [social nights at home]. Young men and women met at a given house in the evening. The girls brought along their lace-making custions and worked industriously while old tales were repeated -- tales about goblins, ghosts, the "Weissell Frau," the "Wild Hunt," the "Hojmann", the headless man and the lost wanderers. Crosses called "RolsstrŠnke" and "kalte Marter" were erected on country lanes where ghosts had been seen -- the later was on the road to Weissensulz. There had been great battles near both these crosses during the Thirty Years War. Occasionally those who worked in the vicinity would hear the clatter of horseshoes -- and these reports have been confirmed as accurate.


Many folksongs were sung and there was also dancing in the "Hutschastubrl". There was never a lack for musicians in Wasserau. Church festivals were also grand occasions. And so life in Wasserau was full of hard work but it was also very rewarding and happy.

Häuser- und Einwohnerverzeichnis der Gemeinde Wasserau (Stand: 1945)

Nr. 1 Georg Reimer 1905 (Wagner) und Katharina geb Wolf 1904, Kinder: Ernst undMaria; Nr. 2 Und 3 Johann Pechtl 1896 (Goglbauer) und Marie geb. Dietz 1896-1947,Kinder: Maria und Josef; Nr. 4 Andreas Helget 1900-1949 (Schusterseff) undElisabeth geb. Sandhafner 1900, Kinder: Maria und Franz, Nr. 5 Georg Kopp 1900(Neuhäuslschorsch) und Maria geb. Haberl 1898, Kinder: Rudolf, Karl und Ernst;Nr. 6 Wenzl Windschüttl 1903-1966 (Weber) und Anna geb. Gröbner 1901, Kinder:Josef und Theresia; Nr. 7 Georg Reimer 1886 (Schweinfurter) und Katharina geb.Köstner 18891952 Kinder: Maria, Georg, Josef, Nr. 8 Franz Gütter 1892(Schwarzbauer) und Anna, geb. Dietz 1889-1968, Kinder: Maria, Franz, Josef, Georgund Franziska; Nr. 9 Anton Hopft 1885-1951 (Höpfla) und Maria geb. Muck 1887-?,Kinder: Josef, Franz und Anna; Nr. 10 Gustav Rubey 1896 (Gustla, früherRothansla) und Anna geb. Wartha 1890-1960, Kinder: Josef, Franz und Georg. Nr. 11Johann Neudecker 1876-1955 Webermaurer) und Margareta geb. Maier 18771954,Kinder: Maria, Andreas und Barbara; Nr. 12 Josef Spörl 1899 (Ferlseff) und Annageb. Hauser 1905, Kinder: Maria, Anna und Theresia; Nr. 13 Johann Gröbner 1890(Strickerd und Klara geb. Ubl 1898-?, Kinder: Josef, Franz, Johann Ludwig u.Klara, Nr. 14 Josef Mütter 1891 1966 (Wulfadbcff) und Barbara geb, Gibtter1$93-197(;, Kirsrlor Katharina, Josef, Maria, Franziska und Franz; Nr. 15 JosefHilpert 1895 (Schuster) und Katharina geb. Rothmeier 1899-1955, Kinder: Maria undErnst; Nr. 16 Franz Sandhufner 1911-1061 (Schmied) und Maria geb. Hartl 1915,Kinder: Michael und Katharina; Nr. 17 Wenzl Nachtmann 1890-? (Lohwenzl undWilhelmine 1881-1946, Kinder:keine; Nr. 18 Anton Sporl 1913 (Pfeiffer) und Annageb. Flor 1909, Kinder: Franz und Barbara; Maria Spörl 1870 1954; Nr. 19 JosefRauch 1877-1941 (Schneiderhause und Mathilde geb. Wickl 1876-1061, Kinder: Franz,Anna, There sia, Katharina und Karl; Nr. 20 Franz Rauch 1892-1945 (Gemeindehaus)und Anna geb. Zangl 1890, Kinder: Frieda;Franz Rauch 1900 und Barbara geb. Wild1904 Kinder: Rudolf, Josef, Frieda, Anna Hildegart und Adolf; Franz Rauch1885-?und Magdalena geb. Hauptmann 188i-1944, Kinder: keine; Nr. 21 Josef Ludwig 1907(Wulfadlmarie) und Hermine geb. Schmied 1911, Kinder: Franz und Anna; Nr. 22Johann Gütter 1899-? (Geiger) und Barbara geb. Windschüttl 1902, Kinder: Franz,Nr. 23 Franz Dietl 1912-1944 (Mustl) und Hermine geb. Helget 1909, Kinder:Rudolf; Nr. 24 Anton Hauser 1916-1945 (Hauser) und Katharina geb. Pechtl 1918;Anton Hauser 1868-1956 und THeresia geb.Wiedl 1876-1956; Barbara Wiedl 1874-1959;Nr. 25 Ferdinand Spörl 1899-1966 (Konnersbauernferdl) und Barbara geb. Czadal909, Kinder: Anna und Josef; Spörl Katharina geb. Kellner 1868-1954; Nr. 26Gröbner 1900 (Schusterwenöl) und Margareta geb. Gütter 1902-1961, Kinder:Barbara; Johann Gütter 1871-1954 und Margareta geb. Hilpert 18711956; Nr. 27Wenzl Lanz 1914-1944 geb. (Neuhäusler) und Maria geb. Pötzl 1913-1950, Kinder:Franz; Josef Lanz 18791962 und Katharina geb. Haberl 1880-1962; Josef Lanz1921-1945 geb., Nr. 28 Franz Helget 1879-1960 (Bargler) und Katharina geb. Pechtl18O7, Kinder: Andreas, Maria, Mathilde Nr. 29 Josef Spörl 1905-1943 gel.(Xunllasbauer) und Margareta geb. Ubl 1908, Kinder: Anna, Margareta; Georg Spörl1874-1948 und Barbara geb. Pechtl 1876-?; Johann Spörl 1908-1945 geb.; Nr. 30Josef Pechtl 1874-1953 (Müller) und Maria geb. Zischka 1879-1954, Kinder:Barbara, Maria, Katharina, Margareta, Georg Josef, Johann; Nr. 31 Anton Tauer1905 (Neubauer) und Maria geb. Lehanka1904, Kinder: Anna, Christine; BarbaraTauer 1887-1955; Klara Tauer 1909; Nr. 32 Josef Hass 1887-1960 (Tischlers undBarbara geb. Helget 1891, Kinder: Margareta, Maria, Josef, Franz; Nr. 33 AntonMaier 1885-1963 (Nicklhans) und Maria geb. Hauser 1886-1964, Kinder: Georg,Maria, Franziska, Andreas, Anton, Anna; Nr. 34 Johann Pechtl 1892-1968lStoffelbauer) und Theresia geb. Gröbner 1900, Kinder: Katharina, Anna,Franziska; Nr. 35 Wenzl Spörl 1892-1932 (Wefelgogl) und Maria geb. Rebitzer1896-1961, Kinder: Josef, Maria; Nr. 36 Andreas Dietz 1892-1964 iDickengirgl) undMaria geb. Rubey 1803-1947, Kinder: Karl, Maria; Nr. 37 Franz Dietz 1898 1970(Stoffla) und Anna geb.Sandhafner l900, Kinder: keine; Andreas Dietz 1870-1953,und Barbara geb. Maier 1875-1952; Johann Dietz 1902; Nr. 38 Josef Rubey 1902(Schneidernickl) und Anna geb. Schweinfurter 1904, Kinder: Maria; Nr. 39 JosefCzada 1912 (Czaderer) und Anna geb. Rubey 1909-1959, Kinder: Rudolf; Josef Czada1877-1961 und Margareta geb. Dietz 1877-1951; Nr. 40 Gemeinde Wasserau (Huthaus);Nr. 41 Franz Pechtl 1897-? und Katharina geb. Wild 1905, Kinder: Elfriede, Maria,Mathilde, Franz, Josef, Walter; Nr. 42 Anton Neudecker 1877-1947 (Hirwes) undBarbara geb. Gütter 18791947, Kinder: Franz, Theresia, Anton, Josef, Maria; Nr.43 Franz Rauch 1909 (Stöhrwetl) und Barbara geb. Stöhrlall, Kinder KllrtR Maria,Anna Stöhr geb. Kaas 1876-1967: Maria Brix geb. Stöhr 1906-1950; Gerlinde Brix1939; Nr. 44 Johannes Neudecker 1885-1961 (Weberslieshannes) und Maria geb. Spörl1885-1968, Kinder: Anna; Nr. 45 Hein rich Dietl 1909 (Ba¤seppl oder Heiner) undMaria geb. Pechtl 1915, Kinder: keine; Nr. 46 Franz Ubl 1903 (Kutschernickl) undMaria geb. Spirk 1894, Kinder: Franz, Walter, Maria; Nr. 47 Franz Schnobrich 1913und Anna geb. Sporl1916, Kinder: keine, Nr. 48 Josef Helget 1888-1951(Plattenbauer) und Maria geb. Saffert 1890-1949, Kinder: Hohann, Katharina,Josef, Maria, Franz, Karl, Elfriede, Barbara, Theresia; Katharina Helget 1892;Nr. 49 Fürst Trauttmannsdorf, Anna Sport 1912; Nr. 50 Gemeinde Wasserau (Schule);Franz Klitschka 1901-1945 geb. und Hedwig geb. Schmied 1901, Kinder: Ingeborg;Nr. 51 Franz Gubick l911 (Tischlermargaret) und Maria geb. Gütter 1913-1957,Kinder: Franz und Maria; Margareta Gütter geb. Haas 1892; Maria Haas 1885-1971Nr. 52 Josef Haberl 1907 (Hegerer) und Katharina geb. Schweinfurter 1907, Kinder:Maira, Otto; Andreas Haberl i883-1961 und Maria geb. Lindmeier 1884-1970;Nr. 53Margareta Völkl geb. Brix 1909 (Füchla), Kinder: l Sohn; Josef Brix 1871-1943 undMargareta geb. Gütter1875-1952, Kinder: Georg Brix 1913-1945 geb. und Andreas1916-1945 geb.; Nr. 54 Anton Hack 1903 (Beim Juden) und Maria geb. Schwarz1903-1964, Kinder: Walter, Kurt, Angela; Nr. 55 Johann Maier 1895 (Master) undMaria geb. Dietz 1897-?, Kinder: Anna; Josef Maier 1865-1956; Nr. 56 Josef Gütter1910-1969 (Maierhofpepi), Name der Ehefrau unbekannt, Kinder: zwei oder drei;Barbara Meindl, geb. Spörl 1905, Kinder: Franz, Anna; Nr. 57 Georg Rauch1890-1956 (Hohschneider) und Barbara geb. Gröbner 1885-1965, Kinder: Franz,Josef, Anton, Maria, Johann, Anna, Georg;Nr. 58 Johann Diestner 1883-1969 (Fink)und Maria geb. Kraus 1883-1954, Kinder: Josef,Anna, Franziska; Nr. 59 An dreasSpörl 1897-1966 (Höhpfeiffer) und Anna heb, Krisch 1893, Kinder: Maria Anna,Joann, Josef- Nr. 60 Andreas Spörl 1899- 1944 (Konnersbauernandreas) und Barbarageb. Gütter, Kinder: Leine; Margareta Gütter geb. Kellner1873-1954; Nr. 61 JohannKarl 1900 (Geigertoni) und Katharina geb. Gütter 1898, Kinder: Maria, Elfriede,Barbaras Margareta; Anton Gütter 1879-1958 und Anna geb. Gröbner 1878-1961.

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